Days on the Market – Caution to Home Sellers
Unsolicited Offers to Buy Your Home
Home Improvements That Add Value
Feng Shui Your Home for a faster sale
Open Houses Don’t Sell Homes
Absorption Rates in Real Estate [Why They Are Important]
What you need to know about Zillow and Trulia
Photos can make or break the sale of your home
Real Estate Photos can help or hurt you Real estate photos can help or hurt you. Yes, I know that there are other factors that affect the sale of your home. I have often said that “Price, Condition and Location” are the main factors that will dictate how quickly a home sells or how long … Continued
How to Inspire a Bidding War for Your Home
Inspire a Bidding War for Your Home Want to Inspire a Bidding War for Your home? Yes, believe it or not there are certain things some savvy real estate agents do that inspire a bidding war for their listings and you to can Learn How to “Inspire a Bidding War for Your Home” Doing the … Continued