
What you don’t know can cost you time and money when it comes to selling your house. The best source of information is your real estate agent, and we’ve put together a growing list of helpful resources about the home selling process. When you’re ready, call George Tallabas III at 208-880-2333 to discuss how we can help sell your house.

How much is my home worth?

Idaho’s Real Estate Market: Navigating a Tight Squeeze

Idaho, once a beacon of affordable living and a magnet for those seeking a slice of the American West, is currently experiencing a significant shift in its real estate landscape. The confluence of rising interest rates and a median hourly income that hasn’t kept pace has created a challenging environment for both buyers and sellers. … Continued

Unlocking Idaho’s Commercial Real Estate Potential

The Expertise of George Tallabas Idaho’s commercial real estate market is booming, presenting exciting opportunities for investors. But navigating this dynamic landscape requires expertise and a keen understanding of property valuation. That’s where George Tallabas comes in. A seasoned real estate professional with decades of experience, George Tallabas has established himself as a trusted authority … Continued

Real Estate Agent Idaho

While there are many Realtors who can help you make a sound investment, finding the best real estate agent Idaho can seem overwhelming. We understand how it feels searching through newspaper listings or online trying to find someone to guide you through the home buying/selling process. Here are a few tips to ease the burden.

Why Are Mortgage Rates Going Higher

Mortgage rates are on the rise. Some experts say that mortgage rates will continue to go up as long as low inflation and investors have a high appetite for risk. It is important for people considering buying a home to understand what it means.

Commercial Real Estate S.W. Idaho

George works with commercial investors in property valuation, one of which he’s worked with for over thirty-five years, and continues to work with out-of-state buyers looking to invest in commercial and light industrial buildings in Idaho.

Seller Financed Real Estate

When the real estate market is slow or there is a difficult or unique property involved, it can be difficult for homeowners to sell their property. When the real estate market is slow or there is a difficult or unique property involved, it can be difficult for homeowners to sell their property.

Smart Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing can be one of the most rewarding and profitable ventures to experience, or it can turn into a total nightmare, depending on the investor’s strategy. Smart investing can be accomplished, and produce extremely rewarding results if some consideration and careful analysis is applied.

1031 Real Estate Exchange State by State Rules You Must Know

If you’re just getting into the world of real estate investing, then you’re probably buried under a lot of information. There are a million local, state, and federal laws to learn, and the toughest thing seems to be one when state law conflicts with another, or a federal law trumps your local law, or vice versa. Staying up to date with all the information out there can be quite difficult, which is why we post articles like this one.